Red Front Republic take on the backstreets of Glasgow

Red Front Republic taking the back streets of the Gallowgate by surprise.

I wonder how much thought process goes into creating a group? Which group am i talking about, Red Front Republic. Mostly made up of the Green Brigade clowns under a different banner to spout their sectarian hatred on Glasgow’s streets.

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Coming to a Pizza Hut near you soon

They seem to be upset that Antifa haven’t taken up the cause of attacking the Orange Order marches, and get quite defensive about the Republican Marches getting banned.



Yes no sectarianism here lads enjoy the Pizza

Sadly, Red Front Republic are no different to the likes of National Action. Or in this instance, actually copying National Action, which am sure National Action would find flattering. Keep up the good work lads, hypocrisy is catching, so it seems.

Again, people from these movements fail to understand they aren’t welcome in Scotland either. That’s why mainstream public support is zero, apart from their small minded group of followers, who i have said, share the same traits as National Action and their ilk.

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