It’s a Muslim catch it bag it


Now call me old fashioned but how the hell do you tell someone’s religion purely on seeing a few pictures? You can’t, would be the answer. It’s not like the guy has got Muslim branded on his forehead.

No the reason SDL think he’s Muslim is because of his skin. They associate anyone who isn’t white being Muslim. A Muslim is a follower of a religion Islam and white people can follow Islam as well. That’s what makes SDL Racist amongst other things, if you aren’t white you are Muslim.

Muslims have been out in force condemning the Manchester bombing, they are appalled by what happened. Am appalled that they feel the need to actually come out enmass to protect themselves, their religion, to be showing that the terrorist did not act out of being a Muslim. Did Catholics come out enmass when the IRA bombed and killed innocents? No they didn’t. What about Christians when Breivik slaughtered innocents, did Christians come out enmass to defend their religion? No they didn’t. So why do we expect Muslims to do it?

People say his terrorist attack was motivated by his religion that inspired him to commit the terrorist attack that was his justification for his actions. We can all commit a crime and blame it on something, at the end of the day individuals make the decision to act. Islamic terrorists have no faith and as a society we need to distance calling it a Muslim terrorist attack and start calling it just a terrorist attack.

The more we contribute the word Muslim to a terrorist attack the more we stigmatise all Muslims, the more Islam is attacked, the more we create prejudice against Muslims.

Yes, Islam isnt perfect, but which religion is? All religions have committed atrocities all in the name of religion. Islam itself has a sectarian problem in the Middle East. All religions are the source of all evils. The problem with the world, religion.

Does poverty produce terrorists? No it doesn’t. If that was the case Scotland, Glasgow, one of the most deprived areas in Scotland would be churning them out every 5 seconds. As is the case, Glasgow does not.

So what causes a person to turn to terrorism? It could be that they see injustice against Muslim people in Syria, Iraq, Libya etc religious teachings, vulnerable groups, manipulation, mental illness can all play a part in radicalisation.

There is no getting away from it though, in the west we see religious courts, Sharia courts, as barbaric and oppressive in the Middle East. The teachings that Mosques gives to their followers about homosexuality and the punishments handed down by islamic courts, stoning, whipping, hanging goes against our way of thinking. Although that wasn’t always the case, all religions where barbaric.

Religion does teach intolerance, when it should teach tolerance that’s what’s needed in all religions. All religions compete with one another, all religions have their flaws, all religions have caused 100s of millions of deaths all in the name of religion. Terrorism is/has been carried out in the name of religion for centuries, religion, the caveat of all evil.

Now me being an atheist i don’t believe in religion, the scriptures they are built on and the preachings of individuals. I don’t believe in a mythical god or a place after death. When the light goes out thats the end, you cease to exist, nada, nothingness, not even darkness.

I do get why people need religion, they need to believe that their life on this planet means something and if they are a good person they will enter Disney Universe, i get that, with no evidence that there is anything other than the life you have now. Religion is an individual choice, it’s the rationale for terrorism, the motivation for the terrorist religion, religion inspires them, they carry out their crime in the name of religion.

Yes there are secondary reasons, injustice, mental health, vulnerability, manipulation. 470,000 people have died in Syria, now think of the last 10 years in the Middle East and you can see the injustice. How people can be manipulated, how they can be vulnerable, how their mental health can be effected and how easy it would for someone to manipulate them, especially, if they have lost everything, their home, family, friends and loved ones.

The cause, the reason, to why someone would be a suicide bomber are immense, numerous, complex and as the name says, suicide, no definitive answers left behind just second guessing.

The likes of the SDL, for them, the Manchester Arena bombing was a god’s blessing, a call from heaven, their prayers answered. Their hope a race war ensures, barely 24 hours had passed and the SDL had called a demo. Grief vultures really does suit them.